It's almost time for our 21 day fast at Destiny Church - an incredible time when we as a church family take the first three weeks of the New Year and set aside something "natural" in pursuit of something "supernatural." Each Destiny member is challenged to set something aside out of his or her daily routine and "fast" it as we agree in prayer. We'll talk more about this in the final weeks of 2011, but here's the heart behind our church-wide fast.
In general, for 2012 we are praying for the lost - those who don't know Christ and what the Bible refers to as the exiled - those that have been separated from God. We pray for our families, friends, coworkers and leaders who have been separated, that they will come home to God.
Specifically for 2012, we are praying as a church for God to mend broken hearts and broken relationships. Starting in January at Destiny, we will begin a new series called "MEND." The word mend is from an ancient Hebrew word, "tawfar" which meant to stitch or repair two pieces that have been ripped apart. Can you think of anyone whose life or relationship has been torn apart?
So why do we have a church fast every year? Throughout the Bible, fasting is presented as a spiritual disipline and act of voluntary humility. It was often accompanied with confession and repentance. As a church we are in pursuit of bringing people to Christ, helping them find their next step and teaching them to do the same. Using Daniel as a template, I challenge each church member to set something aside the first 21 days of the year and commit themselves to prayer pursuing what God loves most....and that's bringing people back to Him!
Here is a list of some of the most commonly fasted things: pop, carbonated drinks, drinks other than water, television, computer, video games, internet, sweets, fast food, shopping, using credit cards & lotteries/gambling, red meat, gossiping, facebook, bad-mouthing, judging/being critical, cursing, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, naps, sleeping in/pushing snooze - - and the list goes on.
I am so excited about what God is doing in the days to come!
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